Anna C. Weber

Postdoctoral Researcher (she/her)




Curriculum vitae

Shark Conservation Lab

Florida Institute of Technology

Anna C. Weber

Postdoctoral Researcher (she/her)

Shark Conservation Lab

Florida Institute of Technology

I am currently a postdoctoral researcher in the Shark Conservation Lab in the Ocean Engineering & Marine Sciences Department at the Florida Institute of Technology. See the Research tab above for details of my work. In brief, I predict shark responses to climate change using a cutting-edge combination of genomics and modeling. As oceans warm, highly migratory fishes, like large coastal sharks, are moving poleward to follow favorable habitat. By studying trends of natural selection, and determining which habitats tend to be favored by sharks, we can predict where sharks will move under climate change and whether their populations are likely to decline.

I completed my PhD in the Anthony Lab at the University of New Orleans in January 2023. My dissertation research used genetic data to answer questions about population dynamics and the evolution of adaptive immunity in wild mandrills.  Mandrills are considered a vulnerable species, threatened by habitat loss, hunting, and climate change, yet very little is known about their populations in the wild.

Page last updated in Nov. 2023. 

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